Rally for Immigrant Rights
April 10 National Day of Action & Rally for Immigrant Rights!
Recognizing that the USA is a nation of immigrants, join the April 10 in a massive rally to:
- Stop the anti-immigrant House resolution 4437
- Stop all attacks against immigrants
- Stop criminalization of immigrant communities
We demand comprehensive immigration reform, including:
- A path to citizenship, not a temporary guest worker program
- Family reunification measures
- Worker protections
- Full rights for all immigrants!

Mon. April 10th: ~Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote~
Convened by the April 10th Committee
Join people across America and stand up for immigrant rights! Stay tuned for more details
4:00 PM: Gather @ Boston Common
5:15 PM: March to Copley Square
6:00 PM: Rally @Copley Square
Click here for a flyer in English
Click here for a flyer in Portuguese
Click here for a flyer in Spanish
Click here for a flyer in Creole
Thurs., April 13th: America: el Continente es Nuestra Tierra/ No Human Being is Illegal
Interfaith Vigil and Public Event
5:30pm Old First Church Court Square, Springfield MA
Information: (SP of Mass.) SPMass@gmail.com
(General info.) Luis Alvarenga, Luisalvarenga@mac.com / 413.244.3205
Recognizing that the USA is a nation of immigrants, join the April 10 in a massive rally to:
- Stop the anti-immigrant House resolution 4437
- Stop all attacks against immigrants
- Stop criminalization of immigrant communities
We demand comprehensive immigration reform, including:
- A path to citizenship, not a temporary guest worker program
- Family reunification measures
- Worker protections
- Full rights for all immigrants!
Mon. April 10th: ~Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote~
Convened by the April 10th Committee
Join people across America and stand up for immigrant rights! Stay tuned for more details
4:00 PM: Gather @ Boston Common
5:15 PM: March to Copley Square
6:00 PM: Rally @Copley Square
Click here for a flyer in English
Click here for a flyer in Portuguese
Click here for a flyer in Spanish
Click here for a flyer in Creole
Thurs., April 13th: America: el Continente es Nuestra Tierra/ No Human Being is Illegal
Interfaith Vigil and Public Event
5:30pm Old First Church Court Square, Springfield MA
Information: (SP of Mass.) SPMass@gmail.com
(General info.) Luis Alvarenga, Luisalvarenga@mac.com / 413.244.3205
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