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Sunday, February 28, 2010

3/18: Deadline for submissions to The Socialist

Thursday, 18 March is the deadline for submissions to the May Day edition of The Socialist. May Day is a key holiday for working people throughout the world and, in the US, a day that has been revived by immigrant laborers.

For more on May Day see this essay by socialist Joseph Coldwell.

Email submissions and inquiries to Billy Wharton, wawharton (at) yahoo (dot) com. As a reminder, the Socialist WebZine publishes weekly so keep those submissions coming.


Friday, January 15, 2010

1/25: Deadline for submissions to The Socialist

Monday, 25 January is the deadline for submissions to the International Women's Day edition of The Socialist. The edition will be produced for the March 8th celebrations of IWD, which is important day for socialists to highlight the stories of women as the makers of history and, especially, the role of women in grassroots political struggles.

For more on the socialist origins of IWD see this article by the historian Temma Kaplan.

Email submissions and inquiries to Billy Wharton, wawharton (at) yahoo (dot) com. As a reminder, the Socialist WebZine publishes weekly so keep those submissions coming.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

3/9: Deadline for submissions to The Socialist

Monday, 9 March 2009, is the deadline for submissions to the next issue of The Socialist, the magazine of the Socialist Party. Submit articles, opinion, commentary, or any form of art to editor Billy Wharton at 339 Lafayette St., #303, NYC 10012, or billyspnyc (at) yahoo (dot) com. The next issue will be published in time for International Workers' Day, 1 May.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

New Socialist Party Bulletins

February/March bulletins from the Socialist Party of Massachusetts are now available. If we have your mailing address, you should receive a copy of the bulletin, bundled with some additional material, later this week. (If you would like to be added to the mailing list, simply send us your address.)

The bulletin includes information on
* International Women's Day.
* The March 21 March on the Pentagon.
* Breaking up with Bank of America on Valentine's Day.
* The 15 February 2009 Massachusetts State Convention.
* A demonstration on 11 February demanding an end to the blockade of Gaza.
* News of a Stop the Checkpoints Committee organized by Socialist Party members.
* The April 4 March on Wall Street

It was bundled with a Socialist Party statement on the massacre in Gaza, the International Women's Day pamphlet linked above, an invitation to the State Convention, and a flyer for the March on the Pentagon.

The bulletin comes in two versions, with similar but slightly varying content: this one for the Tom Mooney local in western Mass, and this one for Boston (that goes to everyone not in western Mass).

As always, for more information about all of these and other events, head to


Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Socialist Party Bulletins

December/January bulletins from the Socialist Party of Massachusetts are finally available. If we have your mailing address, you should receive a copy of the bulletin, bundled with some additional material, later this week. (If you would like to be added to the mailing list, simply send us your address.)

The bulletin includes information on
* First Night Against the War in Boston (more information).
* A Socialist Party statement on recent anti-gay referendums.
* Reports on recent labor victories at Republic Windows and Doors (more information), in the Campaign for Fair Food (more information), and at the Smithfield packing plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina (more information).
* The recently-launched Socialist WebZine.
* Some highlights of election results for Socialist Party candidates (more information).
It was bundled with a Socialist Party statement on post-election racist attacks, a post-election statement from 2008 Vice-Presidential candidate Stewart Alexander, and a pamphlet on Martin Luther King, Jr. and democratic socialism.

The bulletin comes in two versions, with similar but slightly varying content: this one for the Tom Mooney local in western Mass, and this one for Boston (that goes to everyone not in western Mass).

As always, for more information about all of these and other events, head to
