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Socialist Party National Convention Minutes: October 9-11, 2009

Socialist Party USA 2009 National Convention
Gateway Hilton, Newark New Jersey

Friday October 10th

Meeting Called to order at 2:00 pm

Credential Committee Report
The Credentials Committee reported that the NC suggested they allow delegations with up to two members out of balance. The Committee reported that delegations that did not meet this suggestion would need a waiver from the convention. The following delegations were seated (challenges listed)

Delegations seated
(6) At-Large- Peter Moody, Jane Newton, Eric Chester and Susan Dorazio
 (2) Brattleboro, VT- 2 delegates/ 2 seated: Mary Alice Herbert, Peter Diamondstone (Jerry Levy and Doris Lake alternates)
(1) Chicago- 2 delegates/ 1 seated: Janet Miller
(1) C/E Minnesota- 1 delegate/ 1 seated: Nathan Goettsch (Stephanie Cholensky alternate)
(2) Central VA- 2 delegates/ 2 seated: Reagan Greenfield, Brandon Collins (Richard Lahey, Wendy Herdman alternates)
(3) Florida- 5 delegates/ balance challenged. 3 male delegates seated Marc Luzietti, Jim Sanders and Darius Engel.
(1) Kansas – 2 delegates/ 1 seated: Larry Burks II
(2) Massachusetts – 6 delegates/ 2 seated: David Schaich, Matthew Andrews
(2) Memphis- 2: 1 seated: Salley Joyner
1 challenged/ 6 month membership requirement: Bennett Foster. Delegate seated.
(4) Michigan- 7 delegates/ 4 seated: Diana Demers, Matt Erard, Stephen Tash, Raphael Thurin
(5) New Jersey - 6 Delegates/ 5 seated: Andrea Pason, Tessa Salo, Stephanie Gussin, Greg Pason, Dave Wreck.
(7) New York  - 11 delegates/ 7 seated: Billy Wharton, Amilcar Navarro, Jonas Sjostedt, Kristin Schall, Alice Kelsey, Elliot Traiman, Lawrence Rockwood
(3) Wisconsin – 5 delegates/ 3 seated: Jerry Stastny, Myrtle Kastner, Zach Gavelinger
39 delegates seated

Motion: To pass rules as passed by the pre-convention NC meeting.
1. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the seated delegates and shall remain in effect until the time set for the session to end.
2. No one shall be admitted to the floor without paying required fees. Alternates and observers are permitted on the convention floor. Observers may speak only at the pleasure of the body.
3. Each delegate and alternate must provide credentials of election and pay required fees.
4. Voting shall be by display of official red voting card.
5. Each state or local delegation shall designate a “delegate captain” who shall keep the convention secretary informed of any changes to the delegation due to the rotation of delegates and alternates, or for any other reason. The “delegate captain” shall be responsible for maintaining order and gender balance within her or his delegation.
6. The deadline for challenging the credentials of any delegate shall be12:00 noon on the first day of the convention, unless the delegate registers after that time.
7. Convention chairs shall be elected at the opening session of the Convention, two for each morning, afternoon and evening session. Convention chairs for each session shall be gender balanced, and will have a working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order.
8. Provisions shall be made at each session for hearing, vision and mobility impaired. These shall include a large-print schedule of events; seating designated for disabled delegates at each session; and assisted listening devises and sign-language interpreters, upon request.
9. A Peacekeeper and Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair of the first session, and they shall appoint assistants as necessary.
10. The chair of the first session shall appoint two convention secretaries for each morning, afternoon and evening session.
11. The chair of the first session shall appoint four tellers who shall count votes and distribute written ballots as necessary.
12. Committees of the Convention shall be as follows:
1)        Credentials
2)        Constitution and Statement of Principles
3)        Resolutions and Platform
13. Delegates are encouraged to join a convention committee when registering. Only seated delegates may vote at committee meetings.
14. The National Committee shall appoint the Credentials Committee.
1) The Credentials Committee determines the validity of delegate credentials and reports to the first session.
2) In particular, the Credentials Committee shall abide by the Constitutional provision that “Any delegation which fails to achieve gender parity shall have the delegation’s total number of votes reduced to the size of a balanced delegation (the equal number of men and women, plus one) by the Credentials Committee, unless the Credentials Committee is persuaded that the state/local has made a good-faith effort to meet the gender requirements.”
3) The meetings of the Credentials Committee are open to observation by any SP member.
15. The convention committees shall elect their own conveners and recording secretaries.
16. The Convention shall determine the convention agenda, including the length of sessions and the time and location of convention committee meetings.
17. All resolutions, except procedural and congratulatory resolutions, shall be in writing.
18. Resolutions, constitutional and Statement of Principle amendments, and platform revisions are vetted through convention committees.
1) Convention committees decide whether a proposal is reported to the convention.
2) Proposals that have met the deadline for publication in the Convention Bulletin will have priority in committee; i.e. must be disposed of before other proposals are in order.
3) Proposals submitted after the Convention Bulletin deadline but before 3:00 pm Friday shall require a 2/3 vote by the appropriate committee for consideration by that committee.
4) The committee shall post (or otherwise distribute to the delegates) all resolutions by Saturday, 9 am.
19. Proposed resolutions, constitutional amendments and platform revisions shall be considered by the Convention in the following order of priority:
1) Proposals published in the Convention Bulletin and reported out of convention committees.
2) Proposals not published in the Convention Bulletin, but reported out of the convention committee.
3) Committees shall prioritize the proposals they bring to the floor, keeping in mind the total amount of time allotted for discussion and voting.
20. Except as provided in the agenda, discussion from the floor shall be limited to two minutes by each speaker, but the Convention may limit or extend time by a 2/3 vote. No delegate shall be recognized a second time until all delegates desiring to speak have had the opportunity to do so. Pro and con speakers shall alternate if possible.
21. The motion “Previous Question” shall be out of order at the end of one’s own speech. No more than six total speakers unless waived by 2/3 vote of the convention.
22. Except where otherwise provided, voting shall be by a show of delegates’ voting cards, except that when demanded by 1/3 of the delegates present and voting, the vote shall be by roll call. The Chair may call for a voice vote if no delegate objects.
23. Only those members in good standing who meet the qualifications set forth in the Constitution and who are present at the Convention, and who state their acceptance of a nomination for that office, or members not present who have submitted their acceptance of a nomination in writing, shall be eligible for nomination as a national officer or national committee member or alternate.
24. All votes shall be open, i.e. no secret ballots. The election for female NC members and alternates shall precede the election for male NC members and alternates.
25. 1) Election of co-chairs and co-Vice-Chairs will be through a series of standing votes. Each delegate may vote for one candidate. The candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped and a new round of voting will then take place until one candidate receives a majority of the votes.
2) The election of National Committee members and alternates shall be by standing vote, with each delegates having as many special voting cards as there are National Committee members to be elected. With each vote, the delegate will hand the teller one of their voting cards. The voting cards for female candidates will be red, and the voting cards for male candidates will be orange to prevent the possibility that cards from the first round of voting will be used in the second round. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected as National Committee members. The next highest vote-getters equal in number to those elected to the National Committee shall be elected as alternates.
3) Each delegate may vote fewer votes than they have ballots, but may not cast more than one vote for any candidate
26. No motions are in order while tellers are counting votes.
27. A two-thirds majority is needed to amend the Statement of Principles.
28. Except when in conflict with these rules, the proceedings of the Convention shall be governed by the Constitution of the Socialist Party USA and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
29. These rules (not including the Constitution of the Socialist Party USA) may be suspended by a majority vote during the first session of the Convention. After that time, they may be suspended by a 2/3 vote of the delegates present and voting.
Motion passed- chair rules clear majority

Stephanie Gussin gave a welcome statement from the Northern New Jersey Local.

Election of convention chairs
Saturday am Mal Herbert and Billy Wharton
Saturday pm Gretchen Van Dyck and Jerry Levy
Sunday am Andrea Pason and Steve Sears

The convention discussed the proposed agenda.

Motion: To adopt the agenda as amended. Motion passed by clear majority.

Convention Committee locations were announced and delegates separated into committees.

Greg Pason announced that the Convention Forum would start at 7:30 pm.

Saturday October 10th
Attending and seated all or part of Saturday’s session:  (At-Large- 7 seated) Peter Moody, Jane Newton, James Romer, Norman Emmons, Eric Chester, Susan Dorazio, Steven Edinger (Brattleboro, VT- 2 seated) Peter Diamondstone, Mary Alice Herbert, Jerry Levy, Doris Lake (Chicago, IL- 2 seated) Art Kazar, Janet Miller (C/E Minnesota-1 seated) Nathan Goettsch, Stephanie Cholensky (Central VA-2 seated) Reagan Greenfield, Brandon Collins (Florida- 3) Darius Engel, Jim Sanders, Marc Luzietti (Kansas-1) Larry Burks (Massachusetts -2) Matthew Andrews, David Schaich (Memphis- 2 seated) Sally Joyner, Bennett Foster (Michigan- 4) Matt Erard, Rafael Thurin, Steve Tash, Diana Demers (New Jersey-6 seated) Andrea Pason, Stephanie Gussin, Tessa Salo, Greg Pason, Brian Valverde, Dave Wreck, Charles Sontag (New York- 10 seated) Billy Wharton, Zelig Stern, Amilcar Navarro, Jonas Sjostedt, Elliot Traiman, Gretchen Van Dyck, Kristin Schall, Christine Martinez, Alice Kelsey, Larry Rockwood (Wisconsin- 5 seated) Jerry Stastny, Myrtle Kastner, Linda Randolph, Zach Gavelinger, Steve Sears

Morning Session

Mal Herbert and Billy Wharton chair
David Schaich takes minutes

Convention called to order at 10:36 am by session chairs, Billy Wharton and Mal Herbert
Forty-two delegate were seated

6-month membership requirement for New England at-large delegates James Romer and Norman Emmons waivers and both seated.

Additional attendees (listed in attendance list) seated.

International Greetings
Eric Chester read greetings from the Socialist Alliance in England and Wales and the Scottish Socialist Party.

Platform and Resolutions Committee report. 
Seven items presented for prioritized consideration:
  1) Health care platform amendment on page 6 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.
  2) Health care resolution on page 7 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.
  3) "The Socialist" resolution on page 11 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin, amended by the Platform and Resolutions Committee so that the first point concludes "as determined by its editorial board in conjunction with the National Committee".
  4) Term limits platform amendment on page 6 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.
  5) Dual membership resolution on page 12 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.
  6) Spokespeople resolution on page 8 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.
  7) National Organizer Position resolution on page 12 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.

Steve E. requested additional resolutions to be considered, time permitting.

Proposal (Kristin S.) Heath care platform amendment on page 6 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.

Eric C. moves to amend "1. We support the immediate opposition..." to read "1. We give critical support to the demand for the immediate abolition..." Seconded by Marc L.

Discussion of Eric's amendment: Matt A. speaks in favor, Kristen S. in opposition, Marc L. in favor, another in opposition, Peter D. in support.

Motion: To amend resolution point 1 to read moves to amend ""1. We give critical support to the demand for the immediate abolition..." Amendment passed  25 in favor, 17 opposed, 3 abstentions. 

Discussion of the proposal as amended: Matt E. speaks in opposition, Jonas in favor, Marc L. in opposition, Greg P. in favor, Peter D. in opposition, Kristen S. in favor.

Motion: To pass the following as the Healthcare plank in the 2009-2011 Platform
“The Socialist Party stands for a socialized health care system based on universal coverage, salaried doctors and
health care workers, and revenues derived from a steeply graduated income tax.
1. We give critical support to the demand for the immediate abolition of all private health insurance companies through the creation of a single-payer health system. We see single-payer as an important step in the direction of a fully socialized national health program with full standard and alternative medical, dental, vision, and mental health coverage for all. This system would be publicly funded through progressive taxation and controlled by democratically elected assemblies of health care workers and patients. The National Health Program should improve, and replace, Medicare and Medicaid.
2. We call for a health care system that emphasizes preventive care, respects patients' privacy, gives special attention to the needs of the physically and mentally disabled, and conducts treatment and research unimpaired by sexism, racism, or homophobia.
3. We call for full funding for AIDS research, prevention, and treatment. We demand full civil rights for people living
with AIDS.
4. We call for public ownership and worker and community control of the pharmaceutical industry.
5. We call for educational programs to help prevent drug addiction; for voluntary treatment programs for addicts and
alcoholics; and for the availability of free, sterile needles for those still using IV drugs.
6. We call for the reinstatement of funding to community mental health services so that low-cost or no-cost treatment is available on a voluntary basis, with clients' rights respected. We oppose involuntary incarceration for treatment without due process.
7. We support the right to choose or refuse medical treatment, the right to die, and the right to assisted suicide.
8. We call for full community decision-making regarding the creation, organization or elimination of public health care facilities.” Amended platform plank passed 31 in favor, 14 opposed, 1 abstention. 

Motion: To waiver six-month requirement for two New England at-large delegates. Motion passed clear majority (one no vote).

There was a recount of cards to account for folks who trickled in after the original count: total now seated 46.

Proposal (Eric C.) Health care resolution on page 7 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.

Motion: (Zelig S./ seconded by Kristen S.)  To table proposal. Motion failed with 13 in favor, 26 opposed, 5 abstentions.

Discussion: Jonas speaks in opposition, Peter D. in favor, Eric C. in favor.

Motion: To convene as committee of the whole for five minutes, to discuss (of the record) the difference between single payer insurance and socialized health care.  Stephen T. seconds. Motion passed 26 in favor, 15 opposed, 6 abstentions.

Convention reconvenes with further discussion of the resolution: Greg P. speaks in opposition, Matt A. in favor.

Motion (Peter D.):  To amend the resolution to insert after "...profitable targets." in the second paragraph, the sentence, "Another deficit is that we are unable to democratically control production of food, which is an intrinsic part of health care."  Accepted as friendly by Eric C.

Motion: To pass the resolution as amended. The statement reads “Health care is a vitally important segment of the economy. The Socialist Party USA believes that health care is a basic right and should be provided to everyone, without cost, on the basis of equal access for all. This requires a system of socialized medicine, in which the government insures everyone, where there are no co-pays, premiums or deductibles and where doctors receive a salary. Such a system would be funded by a steeply graduated income tax, where the wealthy and affluent are heavily taxed to generate sufficient funds to provide appropriate health care for all. The Party also stands for the socialization of the pharmaceutical companies, taking these essential corporations out of the hands of the wealthy few and operating them for the common good in the public sector.

The current market based system is a disastrous failure. 45 million Americans have no health insurance. Many more hold insurance policies that do not protect them from catastrophic bills when confronting medical emergencies. Corporations push more and more of the cost of expensive premiums on to their workforce. Pharmaceutical companies promote unneeded prescriptions with misleading advertisements while avoiding the funding of research into illnesses they do not view as profitable targets. Doctors are encouraged to rack up their charges rather than seeking the best care for their patients. Single payer health care has become an issue that many liberal organizations and unions have adopted as a priority. A single payer system confronts only one problem of the many in the current system, removing the insurance system from the for-profit private sector. This would mark a significant step forward, but it would not ensure a health care system that actually provides the needed care for all. The actual provision of goods and services, by doctors and pharmaceutical companies, would remain mired in the profit determined private sector. Furthermore, single payer does not necessarily put an end to premiums, co-pays and deductibles.

The Socialist Party can only provide critical support for single payer coalitions. In participating, we do so while
continuing to call for a system of socialized medicine, and while pressing for a funding base that targets the wealthy and affluent.

President Obama has made health care a priority issue. In doing so, he has explicitly stated his opposition to a single payer system. Instead, he and Congressional leaders are working out a plan to expand health care coverage to some of those not currently covered. Funding would occur through a patchwork of taxes, some progressive and some targeting the poor, such as a tax on those who are presently without coverage and who refuse to pay into the new system. The Socialist Party rejects the new program as entirely inadequate. Furthermore, we are opposed in principle to coercing individuals into paying for health insurance they should be receiving as a basic right.

The Socialist Party remains committed to a system of socialized medicine. In broader, single payer coalitions, we will point out Obama's rejection of single payer and the necessity of totally breaking with the Democratic Party as a
prerequisite to gaining a genuine change in the current system. Socialist Party members will oppose any effort to dilute the program of the broadly based health care coalitions, to weaken an already weak demand even further, and will push instead to move forward. Amended resolution passed 28 in favor, 13 opposed, 5 abstentions. 

Proposal - "The Socialist" resolution on page 11 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin, amended by the Platform and Resolutions Committee so that the first point concludes "as determined by its editorial board in conjunction with the National Committee".

Eric C. presents resolution.

Matt E. moves to amend the resolution to change "writing editorials" to "writing unsigned editorials." in the fourth point.  Accepted as friendly.

Marc L. moves to strike "on a regular basis as determined by its editorial board" from the first point.  Motion withdrawn.

Motion (Kristin S.): To divide the resolution into four parts to be discussed individually./ Steve E. seconds.

Discussion of the motion to split the resolution: Jerry L. speaks in opposition, Greg P. in favor, Steve E. in favor.

Vote on motion to split passed: 37 in favor, 4 opposed, 1 abstention. 

Billy W. temporarily steps aside as chair so that he can participate in the discussion as editor of The Socialist and Mal H. steps aside as and EB member. Replaced by Peter M. as temporary chair.

Motion: (First point- as amended by the Platform and Resolutions Committee)The Socialist shall be published at least four times a year on a regular basis as determined by its editorial board in conjunction with the National Committee.

Discussion: Billy speaks in opposition.

Steve E. moves to amend the resolution to change the name of the magazine, to either "Appeal to Reason" or "Hard Travellin'".  Motion does not receive a second.

Greg P. raises two points of information, which Eric clarifies: "Socialist Women" is not affected by this resolution;
This resolution fixes the name of "The Socialist" until the next convention.

Further discussion: Eric C. speaks in favor, Marc L. in opposition, Matt E. in favor, Steve E. in opposition.

Kristen S. moves to call the question.  Others second, and passes with clear majority.

Vote on the resolution as amended: Resolution fails. 20 in favor, 22 opposed, 4 abstentions. 

Motion: (Second point) The national committee shall have the authority to publish its statements in The Socialist. The national committee shall also set general guidelines on the direction of the journal. Motion passed Vote on the resolution: Motion passed 22 in favor, 18 opposed, 4 abstentions. 

Motion: (third point) The national committee shall elect an editor for a term of two years. The editor shall have the primary responsibility for soliciting articles, copyediting and working with the layout person preparing the issue for printing.

Discussion: Marc L. speaks in favor, Billy W. in opposition, Matt A. in favor, Steve E. in opposition, Greg P. in favor, Stephen T. in opposition.

Amendment (Susan D./ Peter D. seconds): To amend the resolution by adding as its final sentence, "Special effort will be made to regularly publish material by women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community.”

Discussion on the amendment to the resolution: Susan D. speaks in favor, Andrea P. in opposition, Billy W. in favor, Art K. in opposition, Matt A. in favor, Kristen S. in opposition.

Peter D. moves to sever this amendment into a fifth point to be considered separately.

Chair rules that motion to sever is out of order since amendment has not yet been approved.

Elliot T. moves to amend the amendment to read "The editorial board will make a special effort to regularly..." to the beginning of this amendment.

Discussion on the amendment to the amendment: Susan speaks in opposition.

Amendment withdrawn.

Vote on amendment to the resolution "Special effort will be made to regularly publish material by women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community.” Amendment passed 26 in favor, 11 opposed, 5 abstentions. 

Motion (Peter D./ Matt A. second) To sever the final sentence.

Discussion of the motion to sever: Peter D. speaks in favor.

Motion to sever failed 9 in favor, 26 opposed, 7 abstentions

Discussion on the resolution as amended: Billy W. speaks in opposition, Eric C. in favor, Greg P. in opposition, Matt E. in favor, Steve S. in opposition.

Eric C. withdraws the first sentence of the resolution. The resolution now reads, "The editor shall have the primary responsibility for soliciting articles, copyediting and working with the layout person preparing the issue for printing.  Special effort will be made to regularly publish material by women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community."

Continued discussion on the resolution as newly amended: Nathan speaks in opposition, David M. speaks in opposition.

Resolution as amended failed 12 in favor, 27 opposed, 7 abstentions. 

Motion (Fourth point) withdrawn.

Billy W. resumes duties as chair/ Mal Herbert as Co-Chair

Proposal (Eric C.) Term limits platform plank on page 6 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.

Discussion: Peter D. speaks in opposition.

Motion: To pass the platform plank “The Socialist Party USA supports terms limits for those holding office at every level of government, from municipalities to Congress. Platform plank failed 14 in favor, 25 opposed, 3 abstentions. 

Proposal (Marc L.) Dual membership on page 12 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin.

Amendment (Stephen T.) To amend the resolution so that such dual members will sign a written statement that their actions are independent of the views of the other organization(s) of which they are members, and should this be compromised, they would resign from one organization or the other(s).  Accepted as friendly.

Disussion: Zelig speaks in opposition, Matt E. in favor, Susan D. in opposition, Peter D. in favor, Larry R. in opposition, Dave W. in favor

Amendment (Matt E.) To specify that, "This policy does not go into effect until the National Committee has had the opportunity to evaluate specific organizations."  Motion does not receive a second.

Resolution failed 18 in favor, 24 opposed, 4 abstentions. 

Proposal (Eric C.) Spokespeople resolution on page 8 of the pre-convention discussion bulletin
Motion (Kristin S.)  To table to the National Committee meeting on Sunday.  Many second.
Point of order: requires supermajority to table to a different session.
Vote on motion to table passes by a clear supermajority.

Motion: To adjourn. Passed by a clear majority.

Saturday Afternoon Session

Meeting called to order by  at  3:00 pm by Gretchen Van Dyck and Jerry Levy

Co-Chair Elections
Nominations for Female Co-Chair were called for.

Susan Dorazio nominated Andrea Pason /Andrea Pason accepted
Andrea Pason nominated Kristin Schall  /Kristin Schall accepted

Lawrence Rockwood made a motion that the party go forward with one female chair rather than male and
female co-chairs.  The motion failed to get a second.

Matt Erard nominated Doris Lake/ Doris Lake declined
Matt Erard nominated Mal Herbert/ Mal Herbert declined
Nominations closed.

Votes totals:
Andrea Pason received 26 votes and Kristin Schall received 17 votes
Andrea Pason was elected female Co-Chair

Nominations for male co-chair were called for.

Jim Sanders nominated Jerry Stastny/ Jerry Stastny accepted
Dave Wreck nominated Peter Moody/ Peter Moody declined
Dave Wreck nominated Billy Wharton/ Billy Wharton accepted
Matt Erard nominated Marc Luzietti/ Marc Luzietti declined
Mal Herbert nominated Matt Erard/ Matt Erard declined
Nominations closed.

Votes totals:
Billy Wharton received 24 votes and Jerry Stastn received 22 votes.
Billy Wharton elected male Co-Chair

Co-Vice Chair Elections
Susan Dorazio nominated Diana Deemers
Zelig Stern nominated Kristin Schall
Nominations closed.

Vote totals:
Diana Deemers received 24 votes and Kristin Schall received 21 votes
Diana Deemers was elected as female vice-Chair

Nominations for Male Co-Vice Chair were called for.

Jim Sanders nominated Jerry Stastny/ Jerry Stastny declined
Jerry Stastny nominated Jim Sanders / Jim Sanders accepted

Motion: To elect Jim Sanders as male Vice-Chair. Passed unanimously.

National Committee Election

Motion (Greg P.): To elect six male and six female National Committee members and six male and six female alternates.

Substitute (Zelig S.) To elect four six male and four six female National Committee members and four male and four female alternates.

Discussion on the floor.

Zelig Stern retracted his substitute motion.

Original Motion passed by a clear majority (as ruled by the chair).

Marc Luzietti moved that, rather than the traditional method of the top six being elected as National Committee members with the subsequent six being elected as alternates, the election of members and alternates should be done separately.  He suggested that the political character of National Committee members and alternates would then better reflect the will of the majority.

Greg Pason noted that historically, those who would allow themselves to be nominated as alternates were often not really ready to serve when called upon.  Whereas, those who ran for membership were more likely to be prepared to serve.

Motion (2/3 vote needed to change rules): To elect the alternates separately from the full NC members. Motion failed 4 yes 40 no.

National Committee Elections

Female Elections
Nominations for female members of the National Committee were called for.

Jerry Statsny nominated Susan D'Orazio/ Susan D'Orazio accepted
Myrtle Kastner nominated Kristin Schall/ Kristin Schall accepted
Matt Erard nominated Sarah McLean in absentia and confirmed that Sarah had agreed to serve
Matt Erard nominated Stephanie Cholensky/ Stephanie C Cholensky accepted
Eric Chester nominated Jane Newton/ Jane Newton accepted
Greg Pason nominated Stephanie Gussin/ Stephanie Gussin accepted
Peter Moody nominated Mal Herbert/ Mal Herbert accepted
Kristin Schall nominated Sally Joyner/ Sally Joyner accepted
Steve Sears nominated Myrtle Kastner/ Myrtle Kastner declined
Greg Pason nominated Tessa Salo/ Tessa Salo accepted
Lawrence Rockwell nominated Steve Tash/ Steve Tash accepted
Linda Randolph nominated Alice Kelsey/ Alice Kelsey accepted
Zach Gevelinger nominated Reagan Greenfield/ Reagan Greenfield declined
Eric Chester nominated Doris Lake/ Doris Lake accepted
Amilcar Navarro nominated Gretchen Van Dyke – Gretchen Van Dyke accepted

It was moved and seconded that the nominations be closed and each candidate gave a brief statement.

Each It was explained that each delegate would receive six cards and should select their six preferred candidates.

The vote was called for and votes were received as follows:

National Committee Members Elected
1 (tie) Kristin Schall - 34 votes
1 (tie) Sally Joyner - 34 votes
3 Stephanie Cholensky - 33 votes
4 Susan D'Orazio - 29 votes
5 Sarah McLean - 28 votes
6 Steve Tash - 24 votes

National Committee Alternates Elected
23 votes-  Stephanie Gussin- 1st alternate
19 votes- Gretchen Van Dyke- 2nd alternate
14 votes- Mal Herbert- 3rd alternate
13 votes- Doris Lake- 4th alternate
11 votes- Tessa Salo- 5th alternate
9 votes- Alice Kelsey- 6th alternate

Not elected
7 votes- Jane Newton

Male Elections

Nominations for male members of the National Committee were called for.

Susan D'Orazio nominated Peter Diamondstone – Peter Diamondstone accepted
Billy Wharton nominated Zelig Stern – Zelig Stern accepted
Brian Valverde nominated Greg Pason – Greg Pason accepted
Andrea Pason nominated Rafael Thurin  – Rafael Thurin accepted
Kristin Schall nominated Larry Burke – Larry Burke accepted
Matt Andrews nominated David Schaich – David Schaich declined
Stephanie Cholensky nominated Matt Andrews – Matt Andrews accepted
Matt Erard nominated Peter Moody – Peter Moody accepted
Tessa Salo nominated Dave Wreck – Dave Wreck accepted
Zach Gevelinger nominated Jerry Stastny – Jerry Stastny accepted
Eric Chester nominated Marc Luzietti – Marc Luzietti accepted
Lawrence Rockwood nominated Art Kazar – Art Kazar accepted
Alice Kelsey nominated Steve Sears – Steve Sears accepted
Steve Sears nominated Matt Erard – Matt Erard accepted
Peter Diamondstone nominated Eric Chester  – Eric Chester accepted
Amilcar Navarro nominated Jerry Levy – Jerry Levy accepted
Art Kazar nominated David McReynolds – David McReynolds declined
Zelig Stern nominated Amilcar Navarro – Amilcar Navarro accepted
Jim Sanders nominated Zach Gevelinger – Zach Gevelinger declined
Kristin Schall nominated Brandon Collins – Brandon Collins accepted
Steve Edinger nominated himself

Nominees made a brief statement.

Votes were received as follows:

National Committee Election Results (x= elected)
1 (tie) Rafael Thurin - 24 votes
1 (tie) Greg Pason - 24 votes
3 (tie) Matt Andrews- 23 votes
3 (tie) Peter Moody- 23 votes
5 Zelig Stern - 22votes
6 Larry Burke – 20 votes

National Committee Alternates Elect
1* Jerry Stastny – 17 votes
2*  Amilcar Navarro – 17 votes
3 Marc Luzietti – 15 votes
4 Brandon Collins – 14 votes
5* Steve Sears – 13 votes
6* Art Kazar – 13 votes

Not elected
Matt Erard- 11 votes
Jerry Levy - 11 votes
Peter Diamondstone– 9 votes
Brian Valverde – 8 votes
Eric Chester – 7 votes
Dave Wreck – 5 votes
Steve Edinger – 1 vote

* Ties between Jerry Stastny and Amilcar Navarro, and between Art Kazar and Steve Sears were resolved with a subsequent vote to resolve order of seating.   Results were as follows:

24 votes Jerry Stastny – 1st Alternate
17 votes Amilcar Navarro – 2nd Alternate

23 votes Steve Sears – 5th Alternate
22 votes Art Kazar – 6th Alternate

Motion: To end the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm

Attending and seated all or part of Sunday’s session:  (At-Large- 7 seated) Peter Moody, Jane Newton, James Romer, Norman Emmons, Eric Chester, Susan Dorazio, Steven Edinger (Brattleboro, VT- 2 seated) Peter Diamondstone, Mary Alice Herbert, Jerry Levy, Doris Lake (Chicago, IL- 2 seated) Art Kazar, Janet Miller (C/E Minnesota-1 seated) Nathan Goettsch, Stephanie Cholensky (Central VA-2 seated) Reagan Greenfield, Brandon Collins, Richard Lahey, Wendy Herdman (Florida- 3) Darius Engel, Jim Sanders, Marc Luzietti (Massachusetts -2) Matthew Andrews, David Schaich (Memphis- 2 seated) Sally Joyner, Bennett Foster (Michigan- 4) Matt Erard, Rafael Thurin, Steve Tash, Diana Demers (New Jersey-4 seated) Andrea Pason, Greg Pason, Dave Wreck, Charles Sontag (New York- 10 seated) Billy Wharton, Zelig Stern, Amilcar Navarro, Elliot Traiman, Gretchen Van Dyck, Kristin Schall, Christine Martinez, Alice Kelsey, Larry Rockwood, Peter Hatala (Wisconsin- 4 seated) Jerry Stastny, Myrtle Kastner, Linda Randolph, Zach Gavelinge.

Meeting called to order at 10:50 a.m., by session co-chairs Andrea Pason and Billy Wharton, with 32 delegates seated

Marc Luzietti presented the report from the Constitution and Statement of Principles Committee, listing the 12 items the committee prioritized for bringing to the convention floor.  Passage for all such amendments requires a 2/3 majority of seated delegates.

Motion: To discuss the Statement of Principles amendments before discussing Constitution amendments. Motion passed – chair rules by a clear majority of the 38 delegates now seated.

Statement of Principles
Proposal (from Committee): To amend the Introduction to the Statement of Principles as reported-out of the Constitution/SOP committee:

Under capitalism and authoritarian “Communist” states, people have little control over fundamental areas of their lives.   The capitalist system forces workers to sell their abilities and skills to the few who own the workplaces, profit from these workers’ labor , and use the government to maintain their privileged position.  The inevitable product of such a system is a class society with gross inequality of privileges, a draining of the productive wealth and goods of the society into military purposes, environmental pollution, and war in which workers are compelled to fight other workers.

Speakers for: Jerry Levy, Steve Edinger, Matt Andrews

Speakers against: Art Kazar, Janet Miller

Motion (Myrtle K.) To remove the quotation marks around the word Communist. Failed  6 yes 26  o and 5 abstentions

Original motion: To putting the word “authoritarian” in front of “Communist” (in quotes) Passed 27 yes, 3 no and 6 abstentions (2/3 requirement met).

Proposal (Matthew A.): To change the  “Electoral Action” section of the SOP, changing the word “support” to “advocate”.  Presented as follows: We advocate electoral action independent of the capitalist-controlled two-party system.

Speakers for: Matthew Andrews, Mal Herbert/ Speakers against: Charles Sontag, Billy Wharton

Greg P. checked Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised to see if abstentions count as “no” in votes and RR stated that abstentions are not counted.

Motion Passed: 25 yes, 9 no and three 3 abstentions

Proposal (submitted by David Schaich) - To amend the “cultural freedom” section of SOP removing phrase “produced by the activity of an elite group.”  Presented as follows: “Art is an integral part of daily life, and should not be treated as just a commodity.”

Speakers for: David Schaich/ Speakers against: none

Motion Passed: by vote of 26 yes 9 no and 1 abstention.

Motion: To end the discussion of the Statement of Principles and to move on to the Constitutional amendments Motion Passed: 31 yes  3 no and 1 abstention.


Proposal (from Committee): Amendment to Article VIII, Section 6 (submitted by the NC Constitutional Revisions Sub-Committee). Revised version to read as follows:

“The national convention shall nominate candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States at the conventions in the odd-numbered years immediately preceding the election years a) after the national platform has been adopted, b) unless any such convention decides by roll call vote of a 2/3 majority of delegates present not to nominate for those offices, and c) according to a roll-call vote of a simple majority of those delegates voting, through a process of roll-call run-off voting that eliminates the candidate with the lowest vote, in each run off, until a simple majority has chosen the nominee.”

Motion: to amend Phrase (Eric Chester), to read “unless any such convention decides by a roll call vote of a majority of delegates present not to nominate for those offices”. Amendment passed 25 yes, 11 no and 3 abstentions.

Motion: To change Article VII Section 6 to: “The national convention shall nominate candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States at the conventions in the odd-numbered years immediately preceding the election years a) after the national platform has been adopted, b) unless any such convention decides by a roll call vote of a majority of delegates present not to nominate for those offices, and c) according to a roll-call vote of a simple majority of those delegates voting, through a process of roll-call run-off voting that eliminates the candidate with the lowest vote, in each run off, until a simple majority has chosen the nominee.” Motion passed

Proposal (from Committee): Amendment to change third sentence of Article III Section 2) to read as follows: “Members in arrears in membership dues for three months or more are no longer in good standing.”

Motion to amend motion (Peter D.) to read “Effective January 11, 2010” Amendment passed 33 yes 2 no.
Speakers for full amendment: Marc Luzietti, Matthew Andrews, Greg Pason
Speakers against: Kristin Schall, Amilcar Navarro

Motion: To change the last two sentences of Article III Section 2 to read: “…Members in arrears in the membership dues for three months or more are no longer in good standing. Members not in good standing shall not be entitled to hold party office nor vote in any Party election or referenda, except as permitted by law.” This change goes into effect on January 11, 2010. Motion passed 28 yes  8 no and 1 abstention (2/3 majority met).

Proposal (from Committee) Amendment to Article XII: State Organizations (submitted by Art Kazar), to add a Section 2 to read as follows: “State organizations may admit associate members who are not members of the Socialist Party USA if so authorized by majority vote of the state convention or by a majority of the members who are in good standing.  Every Associate Member must sign a membership application that includes “I, the undersigned, desiring to bring about by democratic means a new society based on democratic socialism, hereby apply for membership in (name of state organization) and subscribe to the Statement of Principles of the Socialist Party USA.”

Motion to amend (Kristin Schall) To change “associate members” to “supporting members”. Amendment passed 25 yes 2 no and 6 abstentions.

Motion to amend (Eric Chester) To add final sentence to read as follows: “Only members in good standing of the Socialist Party USA may vote at any national, state, or local meeting.”

Speakers for: Susan Dorazio, Greg Pason
Speakers against: Zelig Stern, Steve Tash, Kristin Schall

Amendment passed 18 yes 15 no and 3 abstentions

Speakers for main motion: Kristin Schall, Art Kazar, Eric Chester
Speakers against main motion: Marc Luzietti, Matt Erard, Linda Randolph

Motion: To sever the last sentence from main motion. Motion Failed 17 yes 18 no

Motion as Amended failed: 11 yes 24 no and 2 abstentions

Motion: To extend Sunday a.m. session for 10 minutes. Passed – chair rules clear majority

Motion: To adjourn the 2009 national convention. Passed - chair rules clear majority.

Convention adjourns at 1:10 pm with the singing of the Internationale


            Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette St. #303 New York, NY 10012