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Socialist Party USA: 2011 National Convention

October 14-16, 2011: SPUSA National Convention

Holiday Inn- Los Angeles International Airport
9901 La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA

Room reservations:
Delegates, Alternates and Observers must reserve their own rooms. Call the hotel at: and specify that you are attending the Socialist Party USA National Convention. The hotel offers a discounted rate of $79 plus tax.
Deadline Sept. 29, 2011
Reservations (at convnetion rate) now closed

On-line Registration Form **click here**

         Pre- Convention Discussion Bulletin

Convention Journal

Order your Convention T-shirts here (limited quantity/sizes)

Los Angeles International Airport
CA Shuttle (between San Francisco and Los Angeles)

Schedule Convention Registration
CONVENTION RULES On-line Registration Form **click here**
10 am- 12:00 noon: Registration/Check-in
10:30 am – 11:30 am: NC Meeting
12 noon – 1:00 pm: Credential Committee
1:15 pm: Convention opens
Welcome by Co-Chairs
(will co-chair session until
convention officers are elected)
1:30 pm-
Credentials Report
delegates seated/ challenges addressed
2:30 pm: -
Rules discussed/adopted
3:15 pm-
Convention officers elected    
3:30 pm-
Agenda discussed/adopted
3:45 pm: Welcome statement by Socialist Party of LA
4:00 pm: Logistics report (National Secretary)
4:15 – 6:30 pm: Break into Committees

Registration Fees (for delegates and alternates)
Southern California (map of zone) $100
Central & Northern California (map of zone) $80

West of Mississippi $50
East of Mississippi 

Non-Delegate Observer Fee

Pay on-line below:
You can also pay by mail by sending with your registartion form with your payment to:
Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette St. #303 New York, NY 10012.
Download a registration form here

Saturday Convention Banquet
9:00 am: Committee reports due
10:00 am: Registration/check in table re-opens
10:00 am: Session called to order/ agenda reviewed for the day
10:15 am: Platform Committee Report
- resolutions, voting
11:30 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm: Presidential Nomination*
-       Nominations
-       Presentations
2:15 pm: Nominee Q&A
3:15 pm: Election of Presidential Candidate
3:45 pm: Vice Presidential Nominations
-       Nominations
-       Presentations
4:15 pm - Election of Presidential Candidate
4:30 pm: Co-Chair Elections
4:45 pm: Co-Vice Chair Elections
5:00 pm: National Committee Elections
6:30 pm: Convention adjourns
7:15 pm: Convention Banquet

10:00 am: Session called to order/ agenda reviewed for the day
10:15 am: Constitution Committee Report
-       resolutions, voting

12:00 – 1:30 pm Lunch

1:30 am: Resolutions Committee Report
-       resolutions, voting
3:00 pm: Good & Welfare / International
4:00 pm: National Committee Meeting

Convention banquet
The Party will hold our convention banquet on Saturday night, and the banquet is a major Party fundrasier. We invite you to join us for a dinner buffet, great conversation and speakers. DEADLINE 10/8/11!!!!

Banquet registration is $45 - $75 (self defined sliding scale).

Pay on-line below or send your registration fee to Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette St. #303 NY, NY 10012.

Support the Socialist Party USA by Taking out a Greeting in the
Convention Journal

Ad rates:
Full Page 4.5” wide and 7” high $200
Half Page 4.5“ wide x 3.5“ high $125
Quarter Page 4.5“ wide x  1.75“ high $75
Eight Page 2.25“ wide x 1.75“ high $40
Single-line (6 words max) $20

Send ad-ready copy or text (layout by the National Office) no later than
September 30, 2011

Send to (subject line convention ad)
Send check or money order to
Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette St. #303 NY, NY 10012 or pay by credit card (Visa or Master Card) click link below:

            Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette St. #303 New York, NY 10012