Statements |
Act Now to Stop the Wars and
Defend Our Civil Liberties
Pason and Billy Wharton, co-chairs Socialist Party USA- July 28, 2010
disclosure of thousands of top-secret documents by Wikileaks and
the Washington Post media project “Top Secret America,” makes one point
perfectly clear – the American people need to act now to stop the US
military and the growing security state. With hundreds of bases
worldwide and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US military
constitutes the greatest threat to peace in the world. Simultaneously,
a growing security state threatens to shred any semblance of civil
liberties and personal freedom at home and abroad.
The Wikileaks documents that were bravely secured by Bradley Manning
and published by Julian Assange reveal a US military operation in
Afghanistan that has violated nearly every tenet of international human
rights. Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama both openly lied to the
American people about the conduct of the military and the status of the
wars. The use of CIA-trained death squads, the manipulation of the
puppet government of Afghanistan and the consistent use of drone
bombers all reveal a war that cannot be won being carried out by a
military willing to commit acts of aggression against a defenseless
civilian population. These documents prove decisively that the truth is
indeed the first casualty of war.
The “Top Secret America” report reveals a growing security state that
is as active domestically as it is internationally. This security
apparatus constitutes the single greatest threat to civil liberties
throughout the world. The post-9/11 US security state is responsible
for torture, extraordinary renditions, false imprisonment, racial
profiling and covert assassinations. All of this has been done
secretly, in the name of the American people.
It is, therefore, the responsibility of the American people themselves
to put an end to the military and security apparatus’ ability to
operate. Building a mass movement that both demands the end of the
current wars and reclaims civil liberties would be a first step in that
direction. As democratic socialists, we believe that any non-violent
action that seeks to disable or derail the US military machine is a
just act.
Such a movement should also push for a permanent end to militarism by
calling for an immediate 50% reduction in military spending as well as
the closing of all American military bases abroad. The resulting “peace
dividend” could be shared between necessary domestic social services
and in repairing the global damage done by the US military. Once in
motion, such a movement would find widespread support from peace loving
people throughout the world. Only then, after the US is well along the
road to disarmament, can serious discussions about global peace and
reconciliation begin.
Now is the time to summon the courage of Bradley Manning and Julian
Assange. To protect them against the repression of the US government.
To demand an immediate end to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And, to
put our bodies on the line in support of a vision of the future that
moves beyond capitalism and the wars it fuels.