Party USA: The Socialist

Why Americans Should Vote Socialist
by Brian Moore,
Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate
there ever was a time for Americans to recognize the merits of socialism, this is
Job losses, pension downsizing, fewer, if any, health benefits, stagnate salaries
not keeping up with inflation, outsourcing of jobs, wall-street
bailouts, corporate welfare and tax loopholes are just a small
sample of what is going on in our corporatedirected society.
The conditions facing
the average American, not to speak of the rest of the world,
are stark. 15 million homes are now in forclosure, people
are working two or three jobs, they are spending longer
hours commuting and have less buying power than ever before.
We are a country of
poverty, crime and national debt. In the face of corporate profits
we see spiraling gas prices, higher food costs, increasing
taxes and polluted streams and air from the very factories and
companies that make the profits.
And in our personal
lives we are daily experiencing invasions of privacy, loss of
basic and fundamental freedoms and unending wars by our
country—is this what America is all about? Must we continue putting
blind faith in a free-market system that operates without logic or
purpose other than profit?
We are humiliated by
our country’s foreign policy, its’ tolerance of torture and
curtailing of prisoner rights, absence of basic diplomacy and a
bullying attitude toward other countries.
Our economy rewards
those in control with inherited wealth and power, motivated
by profit and greed, all earned on the backs of working
The way to get ahead
in America is through a cowboy mentality of self-interest,
ambition, assertiveness, taking the initiative, beating out your
colleague and fellow man, and getting to the top first. The
nation is steeped in competitiveness, militarism, nationalism, and
so-called patriotism by waving the flag, wearing lapel pins
and supporting illegal, immoral wars—”my country, right or
An idea of patriotism
based on serving one’s neighbor, cleaning a lake,
improving the quality of food, finding solutions to medical
conditions is lost in our materialistic, consumerdriven society.
How can an industrialized nation like America, which is supposedly a world-leader,
tolerate so much poverty, unemployment, crime and national
An alternative,
socialist economy, is there for the taking. Americans, whether
they want to or not, are now being forced to look for more
radical solutions and answers before they stumble into poverty
and lose their ability to survive or function with any kind of
quality in their lives. What better time is there to educate Americans
about the positive features of socialism, and how it contains
answers and solutions to our broken, unfair system?
Socialism is based on egalitarianism, cooperation, equality, and
responsibility to one’s neighbor and fellows. Socialism is a more
humane approach to living, whose mission is to assure each individual’s
ability to fulfill one’s own vocation and purpose. Control and
decision-making, in the workplaces and communities, are put in the
hands of workers and citizens. Decisions are made democratically - from
the bottom-up. People will be able to control their own destiny,
improve the quality of their lives, and create a society which
prioritizes the fulfillment of human needs.
Socialism’s early pioneer, and former presidential candidate, Eugene V.
Debs, said in 1924 that Socialism is inevitable, and has a force and a
power all its own. Mr. Debs predicted that Socialism would not be
dependent on any one personality or leader, but would emerge due to its
attractiveness and sound principles.
Voting for the Socialist Party USA in the 2008 presidential election is
a great way to express your hopes and dreams for a more democratic,
more healthy and more peaceful future.
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