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IntroductionIn a society plagued with mass injustice, towards humanity as well as our environment, a society where the promise of opportunity and abundance for all has fallen far short of the mark for the majority of its citizens; in a world where more and more people struggle and cry out for true democracy; we recognize that the future hopes and aspirations for that society lie in the hands of its youth. The youth of today will decide whether or not the world of tomorrow will be free, just, and humane. We, as democratic socialists, reject the materialism and short-sightedness of those in power who would rob us of our futures. We reject an economic system where the needs of the people are subjugated to the desire for sheer profit, and we call for the dismantling of all power structures which by their very nature support and uphold such a system through corruption, discrimination, and oppression. We call this system capitalism, and we actively seek to replace it.
As socialists, our goal is a radically democratic world, a world where decisions are made by those affected by them, a world where society cherishes the individual and the individual has both the reason and will to work for society. We believe that everyone should have a say in determining how our political, social, and economic structures are run, and we believe that the institutions of those structures must be directly accountable to the people who sustain them. Such a goal requires a fundamental change in our values and priorities as a society, and nowhere is the possibility for change so great as among youth. [TOP] On Human Rights and IndividualityThere is no greater struggle than for the liberation of oppressed peoples from their oppressors. There can be no just and sustainable world until we eliminate the degradation of racism, attain full equality of rights and status for women, and affirm the basic dignity of human life. In any human interaction, the prevailing ethic must be the respect for and support of individuality and the individual's right to self-determination. One of the greatest dangers that we as youth face is the denial of our own human rights by a power structure often indifferent to our concerns. The youngest among us are often the victims of social neglect, in an economy where our parents must work full time to make ends meet, while we are left with no access to day care or a steady, nourishing diet, and a diminished sense of family. Child abuse, physical, sexual, and psychological, is an ongoing social horror for many youths whose voices are either silenced or callously dismissed by adults and authorities. The growing institutionalization of youths in disfunctional situations who are deemed "problematic" is an outrage comparable to that of punishing a victim for a crime. We must find a better way, one which helps, not hinders the healing process for the abused. [TOP] On Education
Just as the schools must be free, they must be freed. In the interests of objectivity, we call for an end to corporate- and military-funded research. We also recognize that the military therefore has no place on campus. We say no to the presence of recruiters, Junior ROTC and ROTC in our schools. [TOP] On Military Registration and War
[TOP] On Political and Economic DemocracyWe seek a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. We are committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party electoral system elected by proportional representation. Our goal is a system where the people own and control the commanding areas of the economy through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. Meaningful, open democracy is vital to an economic democracy; public ownership becomes a fraud if decisions are made by distant bureaucrats or authoritarian managers. The primary goal of this new economy should be an equitable distribution of wealth in order to provide the necessities of life- including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services-to all people. We also must provide full employment for all people able to work. Under welfare capitalism, a reserve pool of people is kept undereducated, underskilled and unemployed – largely along lines of age, race, and gender – to put pressure on the employed and on labor unions. The employed pay for this knife that capitalism holds to their throats by being taxed to fund welfare programs to maintain the unemployed and their children. In this way the working class is divided against itself; those with jobs and those without are separated by resentment and fear. [TOP] On SexualityAs youth, we have a right to know the facts and responsibilities of human sexuality. We recognize that sexuality is an essential part of each person's being, and that matters of sexual activity and identity are to be decided by each of us as part of our own self-discovery. We accept the reality that young people, as free individuals, have been and will be sexually active, and we acknowledge our right to be. However, we wholeheartedly condemn child sexual abuse, incest, and date rape, along with any other form of non-consensual sex. Sexual activity also brings with it the risks of disease and unwanted pregnancy. In an age where sexual education is a matter of life or death, we demand that honest and frank education be part of our curriculum, throughout all schools. It is essential that condoms and other birth control devices be readily and conveniently available. In addition, we oppose any attempt to abridge a young woman's right to choose abortion. [TOP] On DrugsWhether it be illegal narcotics, prescriptions or alcohol and tobacco, drugs have claimed the minds and lives of far too many people for too long. Equally as devastating has been the so-called "War On Drugs," which has packed our nation's prisons past capacity with people who do not belong there, and eroded our civil liberties and rights in the process. We call for an end to the confusing and destructive hypocrisy of the past. Neither the pusher on the street nor the one on T.V. should be allowed to continue to profit on the misery of others. We call for the de-criminalization of drug use, and increased funding and emphasis on medical treatment and social support for those who need it. Furthermore, we call for the strict regulation, including a ban on advertising and profit, of the alcohol and tobacco industries. And we call for an end to unnecessary emphasis on prescription drugs in a new, socialized health care system. [TOP] On the EnvironmentThe health of our environment determines our overall health as a society. YPSL fully supports: a mandatory recycling program for industry, an end to toxic landfills and waste dumps, banning nuclear energy in favor of solar and other newer forms of energy, reforestation of rain forest areas, and public ownership of the energy industry. These among others we see as essential steps toward a healthy and sustainable biosphere. In addition we oppose the cruel and unnecessary practice of vivisection and laboratory experiments on animals. [TOP] On Internal DemocracyYPSL is democratically run, with its structure and practices visible and accessible to all members. We reject dogma and promote vigorous internal debate. YPSL is a "multi-tendency" organization. This means that we have common principles, but our members have various underlying philosophies and views of the world. Solidarity within YPSL comes from the ability of those with different views on some issues to engage in a cooperative struggle towards social revolution. [TOP] Our Affiliation and Membership
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Young People's Socialist League c/o 339 Lafayette St. #303 New York, NY 10012 |