Socialist Party USA 2007 National Convention
Gateway Hilton St. Louis, Missouri
October 19-21, 2007

Attending and seated for all or part of the convention:
(Brattleboro Local) Peter Diamondstone, Mary Alice Herbert, Jerry Levy, Doris Lake (Indianapolis Local) Jane Haldeman, Ron Haldeman, Rebecca Bow (California) Jeffrey Dunn, Maggie Phair (Connecticut) Todd Vachon (Florida) Brian Moore, William Kremmel, Jennifer Robbins, Walt Beyer, Marc Luzietti (Massachusetts) Matthew Andrews, Eric Chester, Susan Dorazio, Chris Persampieri, Angela Pineros, Edward Mc Corkindale (Michigan) Sayan Bhattacharyya, Diana Demers, Matt Erard, Steve Tash, Jean Treacy (New Jersey) Sharin Chiorazzo, Andrea Pason, Greg Pason, Theresa Salo, David Wreck, Brian Valverde (New York) Alice Kelsey, Tommy Miles, Elliot Traiman, Dan Jarkopovich (Oregon) Walter Brown, Beverly Brown, Telma deOleivera, Timothy Welp, Chuck Wynns (Pennsylvania) Rob Tucker, Peter Moody (Wisconsin) Nan Pfefferle, Dave Schall, Steve Sears, Gerald Shade, Anita Zeidler, Ardenne Bunde, Diane Drufenbrock, Myrtle Kastner, Linda Randolph, Jerry Stastny (New England At-Large) Murray Ngoima, Mwaura Ngoima (Mid Atlantic) Bob Auerbach (Mid-West) Janet Miller, Dwight Welch, Larry Burks II, Art Kazar (North West) William Stodden.

Friday October 19, 2007
Meeting called to order at 12:45 pm by Susan Dorazio and Bill Sodden co-chaired.

Credentials Committee began its report
The committee received and approved the following gender balanced delegations:
California- one male/ one female 
Connecticut- one male
Indianapolis- one male/ one female 
Florida- two male/ one female
Massachusetts- two male/ two female 
Michigan- two male/ two female 
New Jersey- three male/ three female 
New York- two male/ one female 
Oregon- two male/ two female 
Pennsylvania – one male 
Wisconsin- three male/ two female 
New England (at-large) - one male/ one female 
Mid-Atlantic (at-large) - one male
Mid-West #1 (at-large) - two male/ one female
Mid-West #2: (at-large) - one male
North West: (at-large) one male

Gender-balanced delegations and they were seated.

Credential-related Motions
Motion (P. Diamondstone): To challenge the credentials of Walter Brown, delegate from Oregon, based on his opposition to abortions rights. The motion failed to get a second.

Motion: To seat only the gender balanced Florida delegates (2 male and 1 female). Motion failed by clear majority.

Motion: To increase the Florida delegation to an unbalanced delegation of four males and one female. Motion passed by a clear majority.

Motion: To accept the Credential Committee report and seat the remaining delegates. Motion passed by clear majority.

Susan Dorazio reported the proposed agenda to the convention.

Agenda related Motions
Motion: (P. Diamondstone): All candidates will be allowed to answer every question asked at the Friday night candidate’s forum and the Saturday presidential candidate’s portion of the agenda.

Motion: To split the motion (accepted as friendly)

Motion #1: All candidates will be allowed to answer every questions asked at the Friday night candidates forum. Motion passed 23 yes 10 no 3 abstentions

Motion #2: All candidates will be allowed to answer every questions asked at the Saturday presidential portion of the agenda. Motion passed 28 yes 5 no 2 abstentions

Motion (N. Pfefferle): In the event that the convention decides not to run a presidential campaign, the convention will immediately create a new agenda moving other issue up and giving them appropriate time.  Motion passed unanimously.

Motion: To approve the agenda as a mended. Motion passed unanimously.

Convention Rules
Motion (M. Phair): To eliminate rules 24 & 25 and have secret ballots for the Co-Chair, Vice-Chair and National Committee elections. Motion passed 27 yes 14 no and 1 abstention.

Motion (D. Schall): For presidential and vice-presidential nominations, delegate captains are to collect votes form their delegations and to report the total votes when called on. Motion failed 14 yes 27 no and 3 abstentions.

Motion (G. Pason): To reinstate sections 24 and 25 with all references to “open” votes changes to “secret ballots. Motion passed 38 yes 1 no and 5 abstentions.

Motion (E. Chester): To include presidential and vice presidential elections in rule 25 sec. 1. Motion passed 29 yes 11 no and 3 abstentions

Motion: To adopt the convention rules as amended. Motion passed 38 yes 0 no and 5 abstentions.

Motion: To appoint the following members as session chairs for the remainder of the convention
Saturday AM session: Steve Sears and Doris Lake
Saturday PM session: Matthew Andrews and Linda Randolph
Sunday sessions: Todd Vachon and Mal Herbert
Motion passed unanimously

Brian Moore announced that he will hold a reception in room 201 of the hotel after the presidential forum.
Nan Pfefferle announced that there will be a Frank Zeidler memorial at 1 pm (during lunch) on Saturday.
Various individuals announced that there would be an anti-war action at 1 pm on Saturday.

Minutes by Greg Pason
Transcribed by Greg Pason

Saturday October 20, 2007
The convention was called to order by Linda Randolph and Matthew Andrews at 9:15 am

Motion: (N. Pfefferle) To move the discussion of the Wisconsin charter to the beginning of the agenda.

Substitute motion (J. Robbins): To move the discussion of the Wisconsin charter to Sunday morning.

The substitute motion was seconded.

Motion: To replace the motion with the substitute. Motion failed 9 yes 29 no 6 abstentions.

(Original) motion: To move the discussion of the Wisconsin charter to the first order of business.
Motion failed 2/3 majority 24 yes 16 no 3 Abstentions

A roll-call vote was requested.
Yes (29): M. Phair, M. Luzietti, B. Moore, W. Beyer, R. Haldeman, R. Bow, G. Pason, A. Pason, T. Salo, D. Wreck, A. Kelsey, T. Miles, E. Traiman, W. Brown, B. Brown, T. de Oleivera, T. Welp, C. Wynns, P. Moody, N. Pfefferle, D. Schall, G. Shade, A. Zeidler, M. Kastner, R. Auerbach, J. Miller, L. Burks II, A. Kazar, W. Stodden. No (16): P. Diamondstone, M. Herbert, J. Dunn, T. Vachon, J. Robbins, S. Dorazio, C. Persampieri, A. Pineros, M. Andrews, S. Bhattacharyya, D. Demers, M. Erard, S. Tash, J. Treacy, S. Chiorazzo, Mu. Noigma Abs. (3): W. Kremmel, B. Valverde, Mw. Ngoima

Platform Committee Report
Nan Pfefferle reported the following from the Platform Committee:
1:  In the “Civil Rights” section, a new sub-section section “Immigration” is created as follows:
The Socialist Party works to build a world in which everyone will be able to freely move across borders, to visit and to live wherever they choose.
We recognize the central role global capitalism plays in forcing the migration of people from the less developed to the more industrialized countries, often leading to further economic and social injustice.
1. We support secular democratic states, assuring equal rights to every citizen and resident in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
2. We oppose the militarization of the United States/Mexican border, and an increase in the service budget instead of the "military" budget of the INS.
3. We defend the rights of all immigrants to education, health care, and full civil and legal rights and call for an unconditional amnesty program for all undocumented people.  We oppose the imposition of any fees on those receiving amnesty.
4. We call for an end to the use of "secret evidence" in deportation hearings, a ban on all immigration detentions and military tribunals, and full due process and habeas corpus rights in U.S. courts for all non-citizens on U.S. territory or in U.S. custody.
5.  We demand an end to police raids in areas where immigrants congregate.
6.  We oppose "guest worker" programs.  We call for full citizenship rights upon demonstrating residency for six months.

The current “Bill of Rights” section, points 1-6, would remain the same.  The last sentence of the intro would be cut (since it is now part of the intro to the new immigration section).

2:”Human Rights” section: amend platform as proposed in H & T (change underlined)
We oppose any efforts of the Social Security Administration to further limit access to SSDI (Supplemental Security Disability Insurance) by restricting their definitions of who is considered a person with a disability.

3:  Agriculture:  As point #14 “We call for legislation banning the practice of plowing under fields in order to manipulate market forces so as to increase price”
4:  “Human Needs” section under “Education” (change underlined): "We oppose school-sponsored prayer or any other school-sponsored religious practice in public schools, and all efforts to limit the teaching of evolution or to combine it with non-scientific theories."

5:  Animal Rights Changes to point #3 (change underlined): We call for the limitation of the fur trade to furs and pelts of animals which have died naturally or have been harvested for meat.

Motion (A. Kazar): To approve changes as reported by the Platform Committee.

Substitute Motion: To vote on each group change individually. Motion to divide passed 37 yes 9 no and 1 abstention.

Motion (M. Erard): To limit debate to one pro/ one con. Motion passed 24 yes 15 no and 5 abstentions.

Motion: To approve the changes to the “Civil Rights” sections of the Platform (Immigration) as proposed by he Platform Committee. Motion passed 42 yes 0 no 5 abstentions.

Motion: To approve the changes to the “Agriculture” section of the Platform as proposed by the Platform Committee. Motion Passed 42 yes 3 no and 1 abstention.

Motion: To approve the changes to the “Animal Rights” section of the Platform.  Motion passed 23 yes, 17 no and 6 abstentions.

The convention body discussed questions not addressed about the changes to the “Animal Rights” section.

Motion: To rescind the vote on the “Animal Rights” section. Motion to rescind passed 31 yes 10 no and 6 abstentions.

Motion: To approve the changes to the “Animal Rights” section of the Platform as proposed by the Platform Committee. Motion failed 19 yes 24 no and 3 abstentions.

Motion: To approve the remaining changes (Human Right & Agriculture) proposed by the Platform Committee. Motion passed 38 yes 2 no and 5 abstentions.

2008 Presidential Nomination
The convention discussed the pros and cons of running a presidential campaign.

Motion: The Socialist Party of the United States of America (SPUSA) will run candidates for president and vice-president of the United States in the 2008 election.

A roll-call vote was requested.
Yes (34): M. Herbert, J. Levy, J. Dunn, M. Phair, T. Vachon, W. Kremmel, M. Luzietti, J. Robbins, B. Moore, W. Byars, R. Haldeman, R. Bow, S. Durazio, C. Persampieri, A. Pineros, E. Mc Corkingdale, S. Bhattacharyya, D. Diemers, M. Erard, S. Tash, J. Treacy, S. Chiorazzo, G. Pason, A. Pason, T. Salo, D. Wreck, B. Valverde, A. Kelsey, E. Traiman, W. Brown, B. Brown, T. de Oleivera, Mw Ngoima, Mu Ngoima, J. Miller.
No (10): T. Miles, T. Welp, C. Wynns, R. Tucker, N. Pfefferle, D. Schall, G. Shade, A. Zeidler, D. Drufenbrck, A. Kazar.
Present/ Not Voting (2): R. Auerbach, W. Stodden.  Motion passed 34 yes 10 no and 2 not voting.

Members were reminded that a memorial for Frank Zeidler is to be held over lunch at the convention room and that there will be an anti-war action in downtown St. Louis.

Meeting adjourned for lunch until 2:30 pm

Saturday Afternoon Session
Meeting called to order at 2:45 pm by Matthew Andrews and Linda Randolph who chaired.

Stewart Alexander, Eric Chester, Mary Alice Herbert and Brian Moore gave presentations and answered questions.

Presidential Nominations
Stewart Alexander nominated (by M. Phair) – accepted
Brian Moore nominated (by W. Kremmel) – accepted
Eric Chester nominated (by J. Levy) – accepted
Norma Harrison nominated (by W. Stodden)

For Vice-President
Mary Alice Herbert nominated (by M. Ngoima) – accepted

First Round
Brian Moore: 19 votes
Eric Chester: 18 votes
Stewart Alexander: 7 votes
X: Mary Alice Herbert: 2 votes
XX: Norma Harrison: 1 vote

X: The chairs ruled that since Mary Alice Herbert announced that she was not a candidate for president, that those ballots be ruled as “spoiled”.
XX: Norma Harrison was dropped as the lowest vote getter.

Motion (P. Diamondstone): To seat an additional delegate for Pennsylvania.

Chair (M. Andrews) rules motion is out of order.

Motion (P. Diamondstone): To overrule the chair. Motion failed a 2/3 majority

Second Round
Brian Moore: 21 votes
Eric Chester: 18 votes
X: Stewart Alexander: 8 votes

X: Stewart Alexander was dropped as the lowest vote getter.

Third Round:
Brian Moore: 25 votes
XX: Eric Chester: 20 votes
X: Andrea Pason: 1 vote
X: John Stewart: 1 vote

X: Ruled as spoiled ballots since neither were candidates.
XX: Dropped as the lowest vote-getter

Brian Moore was elected as the Socialist Party of the United States of America’s candidate for president.

Vice-Presidential Nominations
Mary Alice Herbert - withdrew.
Eric Chester (by M. Luzietti) – declined.
Susan Dorazio – declined.
Stewart Alexander (Marc Luzietti) – accepted.

Motion: To name Stewart Alexander as the vice-presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of the United States of America (SPUSA). Motion passed by acclamation.

All the candidates were congratulated and thanked for their willingness to serve.

Party Co-Chair Elections
Nominations for Female Co-Chair
Nan Pfefferle (by S. Dorazio) – accepted
Andrea Pason (by D. Jakopovich) – accepted
Mary Alice (by M. Luzietti) - declined
Ardenne Bunde (by M. Erard) – accepted

The candidates were introduced and each gave short presentations.

First Round 
Andrea Pason: 20 votes
Nan Pfefferle: 17 votes
X: Ardenne Bunde: 8 votes

Ardenne Bunde was dropped as the lowest vote getter.

Second Round 
Andrea Pason: 25 votes
Nan Pfefferle: 20 votes

Andrea Pason was elected as the Party’s co-Chair.

Nominations for Male Co-Chair
Jerry Levy- accepted
Marc Luzietti- accepted

First Round 
Jerry Levy: 23 votes
Marc Luzietti: 22 votes

Jerry Levy elected as co-Chair.

Party Vice-Chair Elections
Nominations for Male Co-Vice Chair
Peter Moody (by M. Erard) - accepted
Marc Luzietti (by M. Luzietti) - accepted
David Wreck (by T. Salo) – accepted
Matthew Andrews (by B. Stodden) – declined
Matthew Erard (by S. Dorazio) - declined

The candidates were introduced and each gave short presentations.

First Round
Marc Luzietti: 22 votes
Peter Moody: 21 votes
X: Dave Wreck: 2 votes
XX: Matthew Andrews: 1 vote

X: Dave Wreck was dropped as the lowest vote getter.
XX: Ruled as spoiled ballots since neither were candidates.

Second Round
Peter Moody: 26 votes
Marc Luzietti: 19 votes
Matthew Andrews: 1 vote

Peter Moody elected as Co-Vice Chair

Nominations for Female Co-Vice Chair
Nan Pfefferle (E. Traiman) – accepted
Ardenne Bunde (E. Traiman) – declines
Doris Lake (Susan Dorazio) – accepted

First Round
Nan Pfefferle: 23 votes
Doris Lake: 21 votes
Ardenne Bunde: 1 vote

Nan Pfefferle received more than 50% of the vote and is elected as co-Vice Chair in the first round.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm

Delegates attended the Convention awards dinner.

Minutes by Todd Vachon
Transcribed by Greg Pason

Sunday October 21, 2007
Meeting called to order at 9:20 am by Todd Vachon and Mal Herbert, who chaired.

National Committee Nominations
Female nominations
Doris Lake , Susan Dorazio, Jennifer Robbins, Sharin Chiorazzo , Therese Salo , Murray Ngoima , Linda Randolph,
Hopi Auerbach , Kristen Schall , Myrtle Kastner , Anita Zeidler , Stephanie Cholinsky , Emily Roth , Alice Kelsey, Beverly Brown 

Waivers of 1 year membership requirement were needed for Jennifer Robbins, Therese Salo, Anita Zeidler and Emily Roth.

Motion (S. Chiorazzo) To waive the one-year membership requirement for Jennifer Robbins. Motion passed 44 yes and 1 no
Motion (G. Pason) To waive the one-year membership requirement for Theresa Salo. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion (M. Erard) To waive the one-year membership requirement for Emily Roth. Motion passed 42 yes and 3 abstentions.
Motion (S. Sears) To waive the one-year membership requirement for Anita Zeidler. Motion passed unanimously.

Ballots were distributed then collected.

x- Doris Lake
x- Sharin Chiorazzo
x- Susan Dorazio
x- Jennifer Robbins
x- Myrtle Kastner
x- Anita Zeidler
a- Alice Kelsey
a- Beverly Brown
Hopi Auerbach (withdrew)
a- Linda Randolph
a- Theresa Salo
a- Kristen Schall
a- Emily Roth
Stephanie Cholensky

x- Elected to the National Committee
a- Elected as an alternate

Male nominations
Bill Stodden, Greg Pason, Eric Chester,  Steve Sears,  Dwight Welch,  Matthew Andrews, Peter Diamondstone,  Dan Jakopovich, Marc Luzietti, Matt Erard, Mwaura Ngoima, Jerry Stastny,  Walter Brown,  Silver Persinger, Will Kremmel,
Art Kazar, Tim Welp, Dave Wreck

Motion: To grant waivers of the one-year requirement for Art Kazar 43 yes and 2 abstentions
Motion: To grant waivers of the one-year requirement for Jerry Stastny 43 yes and 2 abstentions
Motion: To grant waivers of the one-year requirement for Mwara Ngoima 43 yes and 2 abstentions
Motion: To grant waivers of the one-year requirement for Silver Persinger 41 yes and 4 abstentions
Motion: To grant waivers of the one-year requirement for Will Kremmel 40 yes and 5 abstentions
Motion: To grant waivers of the one-year requirement for Dan Jakopovich 43 yes and 2 abstentions

x- Bill Stodden (23 votes)
x- Greg Pason (22 votes)
x- Eric Chester (20 votes)
x- Steve Sears (20 votes)
x- Dwight Welch (16 votes)
tie- Matthew Andrews (15 votes)
tie- Peter Diamondstone (15 votes)
tie- Dan J (15 votes)
tie- Marc Luzietti (15 votes)
a- Matt Erard (14 votes)
a- Mwaura Ngoima (14 votes)
a- Jerry Stastny (13 votes)
Walter Brown (10 votes)
Silver P. (10 votes)
Will Kremmel (9 votes)
Art Kazar (9 votes)
Tim Welp (5 votes)
Dave Wreck (3 votes)

Because of a tie for the last National Committee spot, there was a run-off election for the final NC spot.

Elected to NC: Marc Luzietti
1st alternate: Dan J.
2nd alternate: Peter Diamondstone
3rd alternate: Matthew Andrews

Wisconsin Charter
The convention discussed the current status of the charter of the Wisconsin Socialist Party.
Nan Pffefferle asked for approval to speak beyond the two minute limit.
Motion (P. Diamondstone) To waive rules on time limits for Nan Pfefferle in the Wisconsin charter discussion.
Motion passed 30 yes 8 no and 3 abstentions.

Motion (E. Chester): That the convention restores the charter of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin (SPWI) based on the SPWI agreeing that all future members in the state/local organization must be members of the national Party.  All current members of the SPWI who are not national members be grand mothered in and allowed but they will not be able to vote for delegates, serve as delegates of hold state or local office. Motion failed 13 yes 23 no 2 abstentions

Substitute (M. Phair): The Socialist Party lifts the suspension of the Wisconsin and to grandfather the practices of Wisconsin.

Motion: Split the resolution into two parts. Motion passed clear majority.

Split substitute motion.

#1 Motion: The Socialist Party lifts the suspension of the charter of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin. Motion passed
25 yes 15 no 3 abstentions

#2 Motion: The Socialist Party grandfathers in the membership practices of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin. Motion failed 12 yes 26 no and 3 abstentions.

Motion (B. Stodden): The Socialist Party USA lifts the suspension of the charter of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin. A good faith effort be made within the next 6 months between the national Party and Wisconsin Party to come to some agreement on the issues between the two groups. If after a 6 month period the issues are not resolved the charter will be reviewed. The next full meeting of the National Committee will be held in Milwaukee. Motion passed 24 yes 8 no 5 abstentions.

Constitutional/ Statement of Principles Committee
2/3 Majority Needed
Marc Luzietti reported from the Constitution/ SOP Committee. The Committees agreed to bring the following amendments in order:
1)    Rob Tucker’s resolution to abolish the Statement of Principles
2)    SP Michigan’s amendment to the SOP (on Democratic Party)
3)    SP Michigan’s constitutional amendment
4)    Rob Tuckers constitutional amendment
5)    Eric Chester’s constitutional amendment
6)    Peter Diamonstone’s resolution

Motion: To accept the recommended order of issues addressed. Motion passed clear majority

Motion: (R. Tucker) To remove “and subscribe to its principles” and change to “agree to abide by its platform and principles” in Art. III Sec. 3.
Substitute Motion (Susan D.) (Art III Sec. 3): Remove “and subscribe to its principles” and change to subscribe to its principles and abide by its platform and constitution”. 
Motion: To replace the motion with the substitute. Motion failed by a clear majority (5 yes)

Original Motion: To remove “and subscribe to its principles” and change to “agree to abide by its platform and principles” in Art. III Sec. 3. Motion failed 4 yes 21 no 5 abstentions

Motion: To adjourn. Motion passed by a clear majority.

Convention adjourned at 3:00 pm with the singing of the Internationale

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